Launch of the Biodiversity Library of Southeast Asia

Hello everyone! We have exciting news to share with all of you — we have collaborated with NUS Libraries to launch the Biodiversity Library of Southeast Asia (BLSEA). BLSEA is an online resource that allows people all over the world to access digitised versions of biodiversity publications that are focused on Southeast Asia. This includes old...Read More

Singapore rocks!

Yes, literally. This LKCNHM book, A Field Guide to the Geology of Singapore by Oliver and Gupta published earlier this year aims to introduce readers to the geology of Singapore by means of field visits to relevant sites of interest. It gives an overview of the plate tectonic evolution of Singapore, its geology, and a...Read More

Results of ExxonMobil Endangered Species and Conservation Programme Documentary Making and Poster Design Competition 2017

The ExxonMobil Endangered Species and Conservation Programme aims to increase public biodiversity and conservation awareness of Southeast Asian biodiversity. Under this fully sponsored programme, participants attend a customised 3-hour workshop, where they spend the first two hours learning about endangered species and threats that affect their survival. During the last hour, participants are encouraged to...Read More

Egg-citing Easter at the museum

Have an egg-citing time with us this Easter with our Easter Eggy Workshop! Learn how to make your own Easter egg in this series of workshops in conjunction with Earth Day. To register, email: Take part in our Egg-dentifying contest and stand a chance to win interesting prizes too! Contest forms are available at...Read More

HSBC Intertidal Walks

Thank you for your support! All slots have been fully redeemed. Successful registrants will receive a confirmation email soon. Missed out on the opportunity to join us for the Marine Open House? Do join us for our intertidal walks instead! As part of the HSBC Marine Protection Programme, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum is...Read More

Raffles Bulletin of Zoology – New Year, New Blood

With each new year comes new changes, and this year brings in some significant changes in the editorial team of the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (RBZ), a peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by our Museum. The Bulletin has a new Managing Editor – Dr. Jose C. E. Mendoza (a.k.a. “JC”), who had previously served as Associate...Read More

Visiting Scientist(s) Feature: Dr. Ralf Britz and Dr. Ariane Standing

Recently, we hosted Dr. Ralf Britz and Dr. Ariane Standing from the Natural History Museum, London, who were here in Singapore to collect fish from the Phallostethidae family for their research. Male fish from the Phallostethidae family have a unique feature – their reproductive organs are under their chins. The male uses the muscular and complex organ,...Read More

Visiting Scientist Feature: Dr. Tsunemi Kubodera

Three years of planning, and multiple expeditions consisting of sitting in the dark depths of the deep sea for around eight hours, enclosed in a small submersible. It took all these extensive efforts (and more) for Dr. Tsunemi Kubodera to become the first person to photograph and capture footage of the legendary giant squid (Architeuthis...Read More

Visiting Scientist Feature: Zachary Emberts

Imagine yourself in a life-threatening situation just like in the film ‘127 Hours’: where amputating your trapped limb is the only way to survive. Will you choose to do so? Just like how Mr. Aron Ralston (whose incident was the subject of the film) chose to remove his arm, certain insects also possess the ability...Read More

Marine Open House (18 March 2017)

Join us for a day of fun and adventure, seeking out for treasures lurking under the sea and let us take you on a learning journey of our marine world! 500 complimentary tickets are available for the day. Simply register for your tickets at The Marine Open House at the Lee Kong Chian Natural...Read More