A Milestone for a Nation, a Sliver of Hope for Biodiversity—the Ants of Singapore

July 19, 2022
Tags : Announcement, LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Media, New Species, News

PRESS RELEASE   Located at the tip of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia, one can hardly see the tiny island nation of Singapore on the world map. With its […]


The Man and Story behind LKCNHM’s Iconic Building

October 30, 2020
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Media, Straits Times

Our museum building in all its glory was featured in the Straits Times last week. The bold and artistic architectural design of Singapore’s first natural history museum is the work […]


Playing a Part in COVID-19 Response Efforts

September 25, 2020
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Media

In response to the spread of the novel Coronavirus during the earlier part of 2020, Singapore moved quickly to repurpose numerous venues across the island to isolate and care for […]


Highlights of the LKCNHM5 Celebrations

September 09, 2020
Tags : Event, LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Media, News, Straits Times, Talk

Last Saturday, we celebrated our fifth anniversary during the ‘LKCNHM5 e-Celebrations’! The event was months in the making, and our staff successful hosted a suite of digital activities from 10 […]


Fun Facts: All About Reptiles

October 21, 2018
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Media, Museum, Research

Today (October 21) is Reptile Awareness Day! On this day, we would like to shed light on four uncommon facts about our scaly friends. 😉 1. Not all snakes swallow their prey whole Contrary to popular belief, some snakes rip their prey into smaller pieces instead of swallowing them whole. Scientists observed this unusual behaviour


Black Soldier Flies and the War against Food Waste

April 06, 2018
Tags : LKCNHM, Media, News, Research

The research team at the Department of Biological Sciences of the National University of Singapore, led by Prof Rudolf Meier (Deputy Head of the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum) is waging a war against food waste. Their secret weapon? An army of black soldier fly larvae breaking down anything from a plate of uneaten


Native Animals of Singapore You Never Knew Existed (意想不到的本地生物)

March 19, 2018
Tags : LKCNHM, Media, News

In a three-part special, zaobao.sg 生活娱乐, together with the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, featured 10 interesting animals that can be found in Singapore. From the venomous creatures that lurk in our shores to the animals that conquer the skies, click on the links below to read more about these fascinating creatures. Part


Book Launch: A Taxonomic Guide to the Stick Insects of Borneo (Volume II)

January 22, 2018
Tags : Media, News, publication

Dr Francis Seow-Choen, an honorary research associate at the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, recently published the second edition of his book, the “Taxonomic Guide to the Stick Insects of Borneo”. The book was officially launched on 18 January 2018 by the Sabah Chief Conservator of Forests, Datuk Sam Mannan. The second edition of


A Step Closer to Solving A 100-Year Mystery

September 27, 2017
Tags : Education, LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Media, Museum, News, People, publication, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Research

Mammalogists may be one step closer towards solving a conundrum that has been a subject of much uncertainty for almost a hundred years—on whether Tragulus williamsoni, or Williamson’s mouse-deer, is a valid and distinct species. Mouse-deer, or chevrotains are some of the world’s smallest hoofed animals. Research findings by mammalogists Dr. Erik Meijaard, Mr.


Visiting Scientist Feature: Dr. Jan-Frits Veldkamp

September 18, 2017
Tags : LKCNHM, Media, Museum, Nature in Singapore, New Species, News, Research, Visitor

Recently, we hosted Dr. Jan-Frits Veldkamp from the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden. Dr. Veldkamp is a botanist with a research focus on the grasses of Southeast Asia, with a career that has spanned over 50 years. He was here to examine grass specimens in the Singapore University Herbarium (SINU), as part of the research for a