Highlights of the LKCNHM5 Celebrations

Last Saturday, we celebrated our fifth anniversary during the ‘LKCNHM5 e-Celebrations’! The event was months in the making, and our staff successful hosted a suite of digital activities from 10 […]...Read More

LKCNHM5: A Big Thank You to our Donors and Partners

5 September 2020 Today, as we celebrate the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum’s fifth anniversary, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our donors for their generosity in support of the LKCNHM5 Celebrations. A new plaque will be unveiled this afternoon to commemorate our main donors of the event. The LKCNHM 5th...Read More

LKCNHM5 e-Celebrations Programme

This year marks our fifth year of the Lee Kong Chian Natural Museum (LKCNHM) in the National University of Singapore. As we reflect back on the various milestones, achievements and challenges faced over the past five years since our official opening on 18 April 2015, we are grateful to the support of NUS, our museum...Read More

E-Book Launch: Voyagers, Explorers & Scientists

In January 1819, the ‘Indiana’ dropped anchor in Singapore, and Sir Stamford Raffles stepped ashore. Many Singaporeans have heard the story of Raffles’ founding, with William Farquhar, of a British settlement in Singapore. What is perhaps less known is that his expedition was also accompanied by two French naturalists, Pierre Médard Diard and Alfred Duvaucel....Read More

In Memory of a Good Friend: Dr Lim Boo Liat (1926–2020)

Written by Professor Peter K. L. Ng He had been a mentor and friend for over 35 years. When I was young student running around Malaysia in the early 1980s chasing crabs, I spent a lot of time in the University of Malaya with stalwarts there like Yong Hoi Sen, A. Sasekumar, Richard Lim and...Read More

SJADES 2018: Treasures from the Deep

Of Giant Significance A new species of deep-sea giant isopod, which was named Bathynomus raksasa, has been described by researchers from NUS and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). It is the first time that the genus Bathynomus has been collected in Indonesian waters and is also one of the largest known to science. Marine...Read More

Welcome Back Programmes

In line with the re-opening of our LKCNHM gallery on 16 July 2020, the Outreach and Education (OEU) unit will be offering Welcome Back Programmes! These are 1.5-hour, museum-based, indoor programmes for a maximum of 5 participants per Education staff, and will run from 25 July 2020 to 30 August 2020 (Thursdays to...Read More

Announcement: We are Re-opening!

With Singapore’s transition into Phase Two, museums are allowed to re‐open to the public from 26 June 2020 onwards. We have been working hard to prepare for the re-opening of our gallery to safeguard the health and safety of our visitors and staff. We are pleased to announce that we will be re-opening to the...Read More