
The kingdom fungi, diverse and powerful

Join us as we dive into an enchanting world where fungi rule with endless possibilities in this talk designed for everyone. Our speaker, Dr Amy Choong, will unveil the mysteries of these incredible organismsfrom what defines them, to the dazzling array of forms they take. Discover how fungi are secret champions of carbon capture, humble healers in the realm of medicine, and pioneers of biotechnology!  


About the speaker: 

Dr Amy Choong is a senior lecturer at the Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore. She teaches fungal biology, botany, horticulture and thenatural heritage of Singapore. She is also the coordinator of the Minor in Botany. Fungi have been ignored for decades so much so that fewer and fewer mycologists (scientists who study fungi) are around. The urgency to create awareness of this kingdom and train new generations of mycologists and educators is paramount. 


Here is the recording for the session:

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