New Life Under the Sea

New life under the sea Audrey Tan Years-long study of Singapore waters reveals fresh and fascinating finds THE waters surrounding Singapore may look murky, but they could be home to species of marine creatures that are possibly new to science, a local study has found. At least 14 such species have been discovered in the...Read More

NUS Science Faculty Awards 2014

Congratulations to the following winners of the NUS Science Faculty Awards 2014 for their meritorious service in keeping the museum going! Outstanding Service Award 2014 Belinda Teo-Wong Wai Choo Tan Kai-Xin Tan Siong Kiat Tan Swee Hee The Faculty Awards Ceremony will be held on 5 December 2014 Friday at 2.30pm at the University Hall...Read More

Indopinnixa shellorum, A new species of crab described from Singapore!

A new crab species described from Singapore by our resident crab taxonomist, Professor Peter Ng (Head, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum)! Described as Indopinnixa shellorum, they live in close association with sipunculan worms. This crab is also tiny, measuring only 4 mm across! It is no wonder why they have evaded detection for years, even...Read More

Taxidermy still thrives in Singapore (Channel News Asia)

In this short feature by Channel News Asia, Professor Peter Ng (Head of the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum) and Ms Kate Pocklington (our Conservator) shared their thoughts on taxidermy and the importance of taxidermy to science. This CNA feature was aired on 8th October 2014. Watch the video here on (link) By Dawn Karen...Read More

The Largest Natural History Museum in Southeast Asia – Yomiuri Shimbun (Japan)

“The largest natural history museum in Southeast Asia” was published in Yomiuri newspaper on 18 September 2014. The Yomiuri Shimbun has the largest circulation in Japan. Almost 10 million copies printed daily. Keita Ikeda interviewed both Dr Makoto and Prof Leo Tan. Full Newspaper Article [Translated] Singapore is Opening Southeast Asia’s Biggest Natural History Museum...Read More

Programmes for Corporate Groups

The outreach and education team at the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum conducts programmes not just for school groups, but also for public and corporate groups. Earlier this year, we explored the mangroves at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve with the folks from the General Insurance Association (GIA). The group consisted of the very young...Read More

A carcass washed up at East Coast Park beach and what happened next got everyone excited

[Note: Images of decomposing carcasses are found in this post] A carcass of an unidentified vertebrate washed up at East Coast Park (ECP) beach on 15 Jul 2014. A park user who noticed the remains notified NParks. NParks staff verified the report and passed the message from the Parks division (Liew Qi) to the National Biodiversity Centre (Cheo...Read More

Tue 29 Jul 2014: 7.00pm @ SBG Botany Centre – “Singapore’s Overlooked Marine Biodiversity” by Kevin Tilbrook (Wallace Lecture Series)

The Wallace Lecture Series presents Singapore’s Overlooked Marine Biodiversity Dr Kevin J. Tillbrook FLS Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, UK Tuesday 29 July 2014 7.00pm – 8.30pm Function Hall, Botany Centre 1 Singapore Botanic Gardens (Tanglin Gate) RSVP at: Abstract Singapore stands at the gateway to the Indian Ocean, the South China Sea, and the...Read More