Research Visitors to the Museum (January 2016)

Happy New Year 2016 to all! On our first week of work for 2016, we already have some research visitors eager to conduct their studies on our collection and to collaborate with our experts. This augurs well for the rest of the year and we are counting on a productive time and a bountiful harvest...Read More

NIHA at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

The outreach and education team of the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum had the privileged of hosting a group of health leaders from various countries. The participants were in Singapore for the 2015 NUS Initiative to Improve Health in Asia (NIHA) Leadership Development Program. Biodiversity and ecology play an important role not only in the...Read More

Online database captures S’pore’s rich biodiversity

Dr Ang Yuchen (left), a post-doctoral researcher helming the new site, with Professor Rudolf Meier. — PHOTO: DIOS VINCOY JR FOR THE STRAITS TIMES Online database captures S’pore’s rich biodiversity Audrey Tan A NEW online database has been launched compiling research on how Singapore’s flora and fauna interact with each other. Called Animals and Plants of...Read More


李光前自然历史博物馆4月底开幕 李光前自然历史博物馆将于今年4月 28 日,正式向公众敞开大门。 届时,人们将能亲睹三副恐龙化石的风采,也能欣赏到2000件珍贵馆藏,包括在本区域找到的巨型石斑鱼、大海龟和巨型竹节虫等稀擂动植物标本。 除了恐龙化石,李光前自然历史博物,1 馆将收纳的物品, 绝大部分迁自莱佛士1生物多样性研究博物馆;数量高达50多万件。不过,只有约一成馆藏得以和公众见面,其余的物品均用于研究工作。但无论!是展品数量和展馆面积,均比莱佛士生物多样性研究博物馆多出十倍。 为确保所有标本顺利搬迁,莱佛士生物多样性研究博物馆早在2013 年4月率先关闭,以便工作人员有充裕时间为各类标本“打包”,做搬家准备。正式的搬迁工作从去年8月陆续展开。 搬迁工作繁琐耗时 新加坡国立大学鱼类分类学讲师陈旭辉( 43岁)是其中一名负责博物馆搬迁的工作人员,他受访时透露,迁馆工程不仅浩大,且好事多磨。 他说: “博物馆收藏的标本主要分为民干湿两种,前者包括鸟类和哺乳动物等实体标本,后者则是存放在酒精中的有机、体。我们原以为可以同时搬迁,但由于工程和技术等无法预期的问题,不得不分开进行,因此过程相当耗时耗力。” 由于馆内珍藏了年代久远的各类动物标本,为确保它们搬入新馆后的品质,工作人员必须先把实体标本冰冻至少两个星期,以除去依附在标本上的寄生虫等“外来物”,同时确保新馆环境不会被它们 “污染” 。冰冻标本的温度在零下21 摄氏度左右,过程中使用特别制作的箱子,方便之后的解冻工作。 为了让这些动物标本以最佳状态呈现在公众面前,工作人员也必须趁搬迁之际,修复标本上破损的皮肤或毛发,特别是眼睛。 陈旭辉说: “动物标本就好像一副艺术品,除了确保毛发体型还原真实状态,最重要的其实是它的眼睛,一定要让它们看起来栩栩如生。我们的同事这次特别进行了修补工作,把毛发和眼睛重新清理丁一遍。” 李光前自然历史博物馆位于新加坡国立大学文化中心旁,楼高六层,耗资4600万元打造。一楼展厅将分为上下两层,有“生物多样性”和“生物遗产”两个对外开放的展馆;二楼至四楼将不开放给公众参观,主要放置用于研究工作的干湿标本, 五六楼则用于行政和其他工作。 据陈旭辉介绍, 由于湿标本装在灌有酒精的标本瓶中, 新馆中的收藏室不但防爆,也设计了特别的沟渠和隔板系统,在酒精外漏时可迅速排出易燃液体。 工作人员目前已进入最后的准备阶段, 所有展品也即将各就各位。陈旭辉说: “这真是一项不简单的工作,现在我们看到旧博物馆中空空的架子和纸箱,非常有满足感。” ©Singapore Press Holdings...Read More

Behind the scenes at new natural history museum

Behind the scenes at new natural history museum More than 500,000 lots of specimens have purpose-built home at NUS A RARE golden babirusa specimen stood encased in glass in a dusty little corner of the National University of Singapore (NUS) for decades. The pig artefact, collected in 1913 in Indonesia, will soon be watching over...Read More

Love Gone Wild at Pulau Ubin!

Love was in the air last Saturday at Pulau Ubin! On 14 February 2015, the outreach and education team of the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum brought some couples and friends out for an exclusive romance-themed exploration of Pulau Ubin. For this Valentine’s Day special, participants explored the Sensory Trail with our guides, where they had a chance...Read More

Join us for our March Holiday Programme – Under the Sea! Workshop

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Which fairytale princess traded her tail for legs? Many of the characters from children’s shows are inspired by marine animals that can be found in Singapore’s waters. In our Under the Sea! workshop, participants can get up close with specimens of the creatures that these characters are...Read More

We are featured in: WSJ’s ‘We Don’t Say “Back Home” Anymore’: On the Long-Term Expat Life in Singapore

Full Article here: SINGAPORE—I’m coming up on my 13th year in Singapore. We don’t say “back home” anymore. This island, with its hum and harmonious society, is home. After 20 years overseas, it’s the U.S. that feels foreign. What keeps us here? The easy answer is, it’s the future. We are in the Asian century....Read More