A Bewildering Tale of a Fish & its Doppelgängers

February 23, 2022
Tags : LKCNHM News, Nature in Singapore, New Species, News, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Research, Straits Times

A new freshwater fish species, the saddle barb (Barbodes sellifer) has been recently identified in Singapore! However, unlike other discoveries where new species are often found due to its rarity, […]


Visiting Scientist Feature: Mr. Hirozumi Kobayashi

January 17, 2019
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, New Species, People, Research, Visitor

This week, we welcomed our first research visitor for the year – Mr. Hirozumi Kobayashi! It’s his first visit to LKCNHM, and he came with Dr. Tohru Naruse, who is an old friend of the museum. 🙂 Mr. Hirozumi Kobayashi (left), with Prof. Peter Ng (middle), and Dr. Tohru Naruse (right) in the LKCNHM research


Visiting Scientist(s) Feature: Dr. Ralf Britz and Dr. Ariane Standing

March 14, 2017
Tags : LKCNHM, Museum, People, Visitor

Recently, we hosted Dr. Ralf Britz and Dr. Ariane Standing from the Natural History Museum, London, who were here in Singapore to collect fish from the Phallostethidae family for their research. Male fish from the Phallostethidae family have a unique feature – their reproductive organs are under their chins. The male uses the muscular and complex organ,