Hwang Wei Song at the Biodiversity Research Symposium 2014

LKCNHM museum officer, Hwang Wei Song, gave a talk at the Biodiversity Research Symposium 2014 organised by NParks at the Singapore Botanic Gardens’ Botany Centre. Wei Song spoke about the assassin bug (Reduviidae) research conducted by his students and himself on the diversity of this insect family in Singapore, as well as their natural history. Preliminary assessment shows a wide...Read More

We are on RazorTV

RazorTV paid us a visit last month to document our preparations for the Big Move. Here are the videos giving you a sneak peak of how we are dealing with the gargantuan task of preparing to move more than half a million specimens of all sizes and conditions to our new home. It certainly is...Read More

LKCNHM Specimens at the Singapore Art Museum

Our conservator, Kate Pocklington, recently collaborated with artist, Lucy Davis, on two exhibits at the Singapore Art Museum as part of an exhibition—Unearthed. Unearthed contains exhibits by artists in Singapore that offer a look into how they as city dwellers view and respond to the natural world. The two exhibits that Kate was involved with are All...Read More