Visiting Scientist(s) Feature – Dr. Daisy Wowor and Dr. Win Mar

Dr. Daisy Wowor (left) and Dr. Win Mar (right) examining freshwater shrimp specimens in the LKCNHM research lab. Over the past three weeks, we have been hosting Dr. Daisy Wowor and Dr. Win Mar, who are both here to work on freshwater decapod crustaceans. Dr. Wowor is a Senior Researcher at the Research Centre for...Read More

The Road to RIMBA (IV) – In the Field

This post is the last of a four-part series documenting the inaugural RIMBA-Sarawak project expedition. View of Sungai Engkari from the landing point at Nanga Segerak Field Station. Photo credit: LKCNHM. After an exhilarating journey on wheels and longboat, the LKCNHM team have reached the Nanga Segerak Field Station. This is where the actual work...Read More

The Road to RIMBA III – Journey

This post is the third of a four-part series documenting the inaugural LKCNHM RIMBA-Sarawak project expedition, reported by the expedition leader Hwang Wei Song. Storm clouds gathering above as we crossed Batang Ai Reservoir, Sarawak. Photo credit: LKCNHM. Following a final intense month of preparation, the LKCNHM team were finally en route to our field...Read More

The Road to RIMBA II: Pre-Departure Preparations

This post is the second of a four-part series documenting the inaugural LKCNHM RIMBA-Sarawak project expedition. A sample of the equipment brought into the field. Photo credit: LKCNHM One of the stress points of the expedition occurs before departure – during the pre-trip preparation phase. Knowing the right amount of equipment to bring, fore-seeing all...Read More

The Road to RIMBA I: Preface

Longboat journey up Sungai Engkari towards Nanga Segerak research station. Photo credit: LKCNHM. Last October, a team from the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum (LKCNHM) embarked on a 3-week field expedition to the depths of the Sarawak rainforests of Malaysian Borneo, as part of the RIMBA-Sarawak collaborative project between the museum (NUS) and Sarawak...Read More

Small Amounts, Massive Damage – The Effect of Selective Logging on Fish Biodiversity

Researchers have found that selective logging has the same harmful impacts on freshwater fish biodiversity as total deforestation, despite lesser trees being removed from the rainforest. The results of the study, published last week in the journal Biological Conservation, surprised even the researchers, which included Dr. Tan Heok Hui from LKCNHM and Dr. Darren Yeo...Read More

Black Soldier Flies and the War against Food Waste

The research team at the Department of Biological Sciences of the National University of Singapore, led by Prof Rudolf Meier (Deputy Head of the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum) is waging a war against food waste. Their secret weapon? An army of black soldier fly larvae breaking down anything from a plate of uneaten...Read More

Results of ExxonMobil Endangered Species and Conservation Programme Documentary Making and Poster Design Competition 2018

The ExxonMobil Endangered Species and Conservation Programme aims to increase public biodiversity and conservation awareness of Southeast Asian biodiversity. Under this fully sponsored programme, participants attend a customised 3-hour workshop, where they spend the first two hours learning about endangered species and threats that affect their survival. During the last hour, participants are encouraged to...Read More