LKCNHM Halloween Night at the Museum 2022

October 18, 2022
Tags : Event, Gallery, Guided Tours, LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum

Halloween’s right around the corner! Join us and experience our galleries as darkness falls because for the very first time, the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum creaks open its […]


Tributes for Professor Peter Ng as he steps down as Head of LKCNHM

July 20, 2022
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, People

  Prof Peter Ng is a man who will certainly leave an impression on you. As the pioneering Head of Singapore’s first and only natural history museum, those who work […]


Small Amounts, Massive Damage – The Effect of Selective Logging on Fish Biodiversity

April 26, 2018
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, publication, Research

Researchers have found that selective logging has the same harmful impacts on freshwater fish biodiversity as total deforestation, despite lesser trees being removed from the rainforest. The results of the study, published last week in the journal Biological Conservation, surprised even the researchers, which included Dr. Tan Heok Hui from LKCNHM and Dr. Darren Yeo


Snakeheads: bringing order into identification chaos

November 15, 2017
Tags : LKCNHM, publication, Research

As the protagonists of a number of horror B-movies snakehead fishes have been portrayed as highly aggressive and voracious predators, capable to hunt down their prey in the water and on land. Scientifically snakeheads are a small group of only 38 recognized species with an interesting biology, whose identification has been notoriously difficult having resulted


Research Highlights – Singapore Swamp Skink (New Species)

November 10, 2017
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, Nature in Singapore, New Species, News, publication, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Research

For the past two decades, herpetologists had been unsure about the taxonomic status of a diminutive freshwater swamp-dwelling skink from Singapore. It had been known as ‘Sphenomorphus sp.’, and then as ‘Tytthoscincus cf. sibuensis’, as it resembles Tytthoscincus sibuensis from neighbouring Johor in Malaysia. However, latest research published in the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (click


Christmas (Island) in September

November 03, 2017
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, News, People, Research

Christmas has come early once again for LKCNHM this year. In September, a team from the Museum embarked on a two-week trip to Christmas Island for fieldwork, and have brought back with them a treasure trove of new specimens and, of course, interesting stories of adventure and discovery. The LKCNHM team comprised Museum Head Peter


A Step Closer to Solving A 100-Year Mystery

September 27, 2017
Tags : Education, LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Media, Museum, News, People, publication, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Research

Mammalogists may be one step closer towards solving a conundrum that has been a subject of much uncertainty for almost a hundred years—on whether Tragulus williamsoni, or Williamson’s mouse-deer, is a valid and distinct species. Mouse-deer, or chevrotains are some of the world’s smallest hoofed animals. Research findings by mammalogists Dr. Erik Meijaard, Mr.


An Eye-Popping Discovery in Southeast Asian Assassin Bug Biodiversity

August 07, 2017
Tags : Media, Museum, New Species, News, People, publication, Research

Two pop culture characters, Popeye the Sailor and Mini-Me from the Austin Powers comedy movie series, are now linked in eternity in circumstances most unusual – having assassin bugs named after them. Paraphysoderes popeye and Physoderes minime are two new assassin bug species that were named by LKCNHM Museum Officer Dr. Hwang Wei Song, together


Raffles Bulletin of Zoology – New Year, New Blood

March 23, 2017
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, News, People, publication

With each new year comes new changes, and this year brings in some significant changes in the editorial team of the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (RBZ), a peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by our Museum. The Bulletin has a new Managing Editor – Dr. Jose C. E. Mendoza (a.k.a. “JC”), who had previously served as Associate


Harryplax severus and the Twenty-year-old Secret

January 26, 2017
Tags : Education, LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, New Species, News, People

A secret that evaded detection for almost 20 years has finally been uncovered, with the discovery of Harryplax severus. Sorry to disappoint all the ‘Potterheads’ out there, but this is not a synopsis of a new Harry Potter spin-off. Rather, it is a tale of how a new species of crab was discovered by LKCNHM