Highlights of the LKCNHM5 Celebrations

September 09, 2020
Tags : Event, LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Media, News, Straits Times, Talk

Last Saturday, we celebrated our fifth anniversary during the ‘LKCNHM5 e-Celebrations’! The event was months in the making, and our staff successful hosted a suite of digital activities from 10 […]


LKCNHM5 e-Celebrations Programme

August 28, 2020
Tags : Announcement, Education, Event, LKCNHM, Museum, Talk

This year marks our fifth year of the Lee Kong Chian Natural Museum (LKCNHM) in the National University of Singapore. As we reflect back on the various milestones, achievements and challenges faced over the past five years since our official opening on 18 April 2015, we are grateful to the support of NUS, our museum