New species of freshwater crab discovered in Sarawak

September 01, 2021
Tags : LKCNHM, Research

A recent expedition into the Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary in Sarawak, Borneo has borne the exciting discovery of Arachnothelphusa rimba, a new species of freshwater tree-climbing crab. This discovery was […]


Amazing New Species of Pebble Crab with Asymmetric Reproductive Units

June 24, 2021
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, New Species, News, Research

Scientists from LKCNHM, NUS and the University of the Ryukyus, Japan, have recently identified and described a new genus and species of xanthid crab with strongly asymmetrical reproductive structures.


A Gem from the Mangroves of Kerala, India: New Tree-climbing Crab Species

September 30, 2020
Tags : LKCNHM, New Species, publication, Research

This section first appeared in NUS Research News on 30 September 2020. A new species of tree-spider crab, Leptarma biju, has been uncovered from the mangroves in Kerala, India, by researchers from the […]


Untangling the Knotted Identities of Commercially Important Swimming Crabs

July 25, 2019
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, News

Are you sure the seafood you are consuming is what it says on the label or the menu? In 2015, a survey of Atlantic blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) meat sold in supermarkets and restaurants in Maryland, USA, revealed that nearly 50% of the products tested were from totally different, non-Atlantic species. DNA barcoding matched a


Visiting Scientist Feature: Mr. Hirozumi Kobayashi

January 17, 2019
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, New Species, People, Research, Visitor

This week, we welcomed our first research visitor for the year – Mr. Hirozumi Kobayashi! It’s his first visit to LKCNHM, and he came with Dr. Tohru Naruse, who is an old friend of the museum. 🙂 Mr. Hirozumi Kobayashi (left), with Prof. Peter Ng (middle), and Dr. Tohru Naruse (right) in the LKCNHM research


Visiting Scientist Feature – Dr. S. Ravichandran

October 15, 2018
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, News, People, Research, Visitor

Early last week, we welcomed a new visitor to the museum! Dr. S. Ravichandran, an Assistant Professor at Annamalai University in India, will be here till the end of this week. He is a crab taxonomist (or carcinologist), with a research career spanning over two decades. On this visit, Dr. Ravichandran is collaborating with Prof.


Visiting Scientist(s) Feature: Carcinologist Edition

August 24, 2018
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, People, Research, Visitor

Over the past few weeks, we have been hosting new and familiar guests here at the museum: carcinologists Prof. Dwi Listyo Rahayu, Ms. Ernawati Widyastuti, and Dr. Lin Chia-Wei. (From left) Ms. Ernawati Widyastuti, Prof. Dwi Listyo Rahayu, and Dr. Lin Chia-Wei in the LKCNHM research lab. Prof. Rahayu and Dr. Lin are no strangers


Visiting Scientists Feature: Students from the Iligan Institute of Technology

March 19, 2018
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, New Species, People, Research, Visitor

Over two weeks following the CNY holidays, the LKCNHM research lab was ablaze with the enthusiasm and lively chatter from a group of graduate students from the Iligan Institute of Technology, Mindanao State University, in the Philippines. The exuberant group of four—Ms. Meriam M. Rubio, Ms. Ziljih S. Molina, Mr. Jemateo B. Neri, and Ms.


Stories from Christmas Island – The elusive Labuanium vitatum

February 22, 2018
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, News, People, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Research

Somewhere in Christmas Island resides a cryptic tree-climbing crab (Labuanium vitatum), commonly known as the white-stripe crab. With bright purple claws, a purplish body and neon-yellow eyes, it should not be hard to spot. However, even the most seasoned crab catcher has had no luck finding it. The head of the museum, Prof. Peter Ng,


Visiting Scientist(s) Feature: Carcinologist Edition (Part Two!)

December 01, 2017
Tags : LKCNHM, Museum, News, People, Research, Uncategorized, Visitor

This November, the labs at LKCNHM were bustling with activity from visitors whom we have had the pleasure of hosting. After the recent feature on visiting entomologists, we are back with another feature – this time on carcinologists! Their work has been most fruitful and we expect a windfall of scientific publications (and other goodies)