

The NUS Toddycats! programme (formerly Raffles Museum Toddycats) was conceived in 1999 to expose, develop, enthuse, and apply individuals to natural history programmes in conservation, education, public outreach and research.

It was originally meant to provide capacity building for NUS undergraduates and to provide them with an immediate means to contribute meaningfully towards biodiversity research and outreach efforts in Singapore. The programme is now also open to any member of the public with enthusiasm and commitment, who want to do the same. To find out more about our Activities and to join the Toddycats, do visit our blog.

The Toddycats engage in public education through the following activities:

1. Exhibitions and Public Gallery Guiding

We conduct guided tours in the museum to introduce the public to Singapore’s existing wildlife at the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum (formerly Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research).

2. Nature and Heritage Trails Guiding

Through our guided walks and bicycle tours, we introduce the natural history and heritage of areas such as Pasir Panjang Ridge, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Central Catchment Nature Reserve, and the North-Eastern Riverine Loop.

3. Coastal Cleanups

We coordinate with the International Coastal Cleanup Singapore and Year Round Coastal Cleanups and organises the National Day Coastal Cleanup.

4. Public Seminars and Outreach Events

Share exciting tales about Singapore’s biodiversity and heritage through informed, up to date and energetic presentations, as well as biodiversity outreach events.

5. Active Partnerships

Active partnerships with other groups, agencies and institutions on programmes, events and national strategies and action plans that achieve common goals.

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