Visiting Scientist(s) Feature – The van der Poortens (Part 2)

POSTED ON BY Clarisse Tan

After 10 months, the van der Poortens have visited us again! Previously, they were here to examine butterflies from the WA Fleming collection, and explore options for further imaging work (click here to read more).

Dr. George van der Poorten and Mrs. Nancy van der Poorten in one of our prep labs.

The van der Poortens are working on the revision and production of a 5th edition of the book ‘The Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula’ by Corbet and Pendlebury.

After setting the groundwork from their previous visit, they are back to take images of butterflies in the genus Arhopala, to replace old black and white plates in the 4th edition.

Their 4 days here have been fruitful – not only did they finish taking all their required images, the van der Poortens also kindly helped us correct misidentified butterfly specimens in the collection.

We had a great time hosting them on this visit, and wish them all the best. 🙂