Guided tours by LKCNHM Volunteers

February 27, 2021
Tags : Announcement, Gallery, Guided Tours, Museum, Outreach and Education, volunteer

Our volunteer-led guided tours are back! Eager to conduct these tours for visitors, our volunteers have been partaking in refresher sessions with our Outreach and Education Unit (OEU) this year […]


Welcome Back Programmes

July 20, 2020
Tags : Announcement, Gallery, Outreach and Education

In line with the re-opening of our LKCNHM gallery on 16 July 2020, the Outreach and Education (OEU) unit will be offering Welcome Back Programmes! These are 1.5-hour, museum-based, indoor programmes for a maximum of 5 participants per Education staff, and will run from 25 July 2020 to 30 August 2020 (Thursdays to