Can the Dead Save the Earth? Holistic Learning Using Natural History Collections

June 19, 2022
Tags : Education, Gallery

  The LKCNHM’s postgraduate module Natural History Collections and Conservation (BL5312) concluded its 3rd run in May of 2022. The module aims to develop an understanding of the key roles […]


Results of the ExxonMobil Endangered Species and Conservation Programme Documentary Making and Poster Design Competition 2021–2022

June 01, 2022
Tags : Outreach and Education

The ExxonMobil Endangered Species and Conservation Programme aims to increase public awareness of Southeast Asian biodiversity and its conservation.  Kindly sponsored by ExxonMobil, primary and secondary school students were invited […]


Nurturing Young Green Leaders across Asia in SEC 2021

December 06, 2021
Tags : Education, Outreach and Education, Partnership, Talk, Workshop

  From 15­­­–19 November 2021, the St. John’s Island National Marine Laboratory and the Outreach and Education team from the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum hosted the STEP Environment […]