Body Snatchers Gallery Tours (Dec 2021) – Closed

November 13, 2021
Tags : Collections, Exhibition, Gallery, Guided Tours, LKCNHM, Museum, Outreach and Education

If you’ve not caught our latest exhibition Body Snatchers: Nature’s Zombies and Vampires, then you are in for a treat! This December holidays, LKCNHM invites you to join our gallery […]


Launch of Body Snatchers: Nature’s Zombies and Vampires Exhibition

November 04, 2021
Tags : Collections, Education, Event, Exhibition, LKCNHM, Straits Times

In view of Halloween this year, the museum launched its creepiest exhibition yet—Body Snatchers: Nature’s Zombies and Vampires which invites visitors to step into nature’s horrifying yet wonderful world of […]