Remembering Dr Lim Boo Liat (1926–2020)

July 30, 2020
Tags : People

Written by Kelvin K. P. Lim I became acquainted with Dr Lim Boo Liat in the early 1980s through his books and articles in magazines such as Malayan Nature Journal and Nature Malaysiana. I got to know him in person somewhere in the late 1980s or early 1990s during a trip up to Kuala Lumpur.


A Step Closer to Solving A 100-Year Mystery

September 27, 2017
Tags : Education, LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Media, Museum, News, People, publication, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Research

Mammalogists may be one step closer towards solving a conundrum that has been a subject of much uncertainty for almost a hundred years—on whether Tragulus williamsoni, or Williamson’s mouse-deer, is a valid and distinct species. Mouse-deer, or chevrotains are some of the world’s smallest hoofed animals. Research findings by mammalogists Dr. Erik Meijaard, Mr.


Visiting Scientist(s) Feature: Mammalogist Edition

August 25, 2017
Tags : LKCNHM, Media, Museum, News, People, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Research, Visitor

In this feature, we give a short summary of the work of two mammalogists that have visited the museum a while back. Mr. Lim Tze Tshen Mr. Lim Tze Tshen is a research associate at the University of Malaysia, focusing on biodiversity conservation and vertebrate palaeontology. As a palaeontologist, Mr. Lim studies fossils, from common ones