A Tribute to Pokémon Day 2023

February 27, 2023
Tags : Uncategorized

Happy Pokémon Day from all of us at LKCNHM! On this occasion, we would like to offer some food for thought about how the Pokémon franchise and the Museum may […]


Forgotten Tales of Ornithology Behind Bars: ‘The Role of Birds in WWII’

June 29, 2022
Tags : Book, Exhibition, Museum

    In the Museum’s Heritage Gallery, a showcase features an extraordinary story of a bird book that was conceived under remarkable circumstances. This is the story of Guy Charles […]


Can the Dead Save the Earth? Holistic Learning Using Natural History Collections

June 19, 2022
Tags : Education, Gallery

  The LKCNHM’s postgraduate module Natural History Collections and Conservation (BL5312) concluded its 3rd run in May of 2022. The module aims to develop an understanding of the key roles […]


Launch of Virtual Tours

April 29, 2022
Tags : Announcement, Collections, Gallery, LKCNHM News, Museum

Seven years ago, the Museum first opened its doors to the public. Since then, the Museum has welcomed thousands of visitors from all walks of life ranging from families, students, […]


Update on COVID-19 Safe Management Measures [26 April 2022]

April 26, 2022
Tags : Announcement, Gallery, LKCNHM, Visitor

Keeping in line with Singapore’s transition into Phase Two of its reopening, we are putting in place tighter measures to safeguard the health and safety of our visitors and staff, with effect from Saturday, 8 May 2021 until further notice.


Update on COVID-19 Safe Management Measures

March 29, 2022
Tags : Announcement, Gallery, LKCNHM, Visitor

Keeping in line with Singapore’s transition into Phase Two of its reopening, we are putting in place tighter measures to safeguard the health and safety of our visitors and staff, with effect from Saturday, 8 May 2021 until further notice.


Update on COVID-19 Safe Management Measures

December 21, 2021
Tags : Announcement, Gallery, LKCNHM, Visitor

Keeping in line with Singapore’s transition into Phase Two of its reopening, we are putting in place tighter measures to safeguard the health and safety of our visitors and staff, with effect from Saturday, 8 May 2021 until further notice.


Guided tours by LKCNHM Volunteers

February 27, 2021
Tags : Announcement, Gallery, Guided Tours, Museum, Outreach and Education, volunteer

Our volunteer-led guided tours are back! Eager to conduct these tours for visitors, our volunteers have been partaking in refresher sessions with our Outreach and Education Unit (OEU) this year […]


Welcome Back Programmes

July 20, 2020
Tags : Announcement, Gallery, Outreach and Education

In line with the re-opening of our LKCNHM gallery on 16 July 2020, the Outreach and Education (OEU) unit will be offering Welcome Back Programmes! These are 1.5-hour, museum-based, indoor programmes for a maximum of 5 participants per Education staff, and will run from 25 July 2020 to 30 August 2020 (Thursdays to