An Inspiring Time for our Budding Naturalists!

December 14, 2022
Tags : Education, Event, Guided Tours, LKCNHM, Museum, Nature in Singapore, Outreach and Education, Singapore's Biodiversity, Workshop

Held over two days, the LKCNHM Aspiring Naturalist Programme saw participants learn more about Southeast Asian biodiversity and natural history through a special Wallace edition which comprised of an entomology […]


A Eulogy to Professor E.O. Wilson (1929–2021)

January 05, 2022
Tags : LKCNHM News, Natural History, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology

Written by Professor Peter K. L. Ng   2021 ended with sadness as the museum lost one of its old friends and supporter – the venerated biologist Ed Wilson. He […]


Tiny insect a clue to climate change

September 27, 2021
Tags : Collections, LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Research, Straits Times

Researchers from NUS and Scripps Oceanography uncovered how climatic changes influence the evolution of oceanic insects. The open oceans are harsh and hostile environments where insects might not be expected […]


Firefly tourism takes flight, sparking wonder and concern

March 12, 2021
Tags : Research

MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS (March 11, 2021) – Researchers from the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) Firefly Specialist Group published the first comprehensive review of major firefly tourism sites worldwide, examining how […]


New species of firefly discovered in Singapore

March 08, 2021
Tags : Collections, LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, New Species, publication, Research

SINGAPORE, (March 08, 2021) – Researchers from the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, National University of Singapore, have discovered a new species of firefly from the last remaining freshwater […]


Playing a Part in COVID-19 Response Efforts

September 25, 2020
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Media

In response to the spread of the novel Coronavirus during the earlier part of 2020, Singapore moved quickly to repurpose numerous venues across the island to isolate and care for […]