Virtual Journey to Christmas Island

June 26, 2021
Tags : expedition, Guided Tours, LKCNHM, Museum, Outreach and Education, Research

Explore Christmas Island over land or under water together with our staff in our second Virtual Journey!


Stories from Christmas Island – The elusive Labuanium vitatum

February 22, 2018
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Museum, News, People, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Research

Somewhere in Christmas Island resides a cryptic tree-climbing crab (Labuanium vitatum), commonly known as the white-stripe crab. With bright purple claws, a purplish body and neon-yellow eyes, it should not be hard to spot. However, even the most seasoned crab catcher has had no luck finding it. The head of the museum, Prof. Peter Ng,