
Corals and Sponges

The LKCNHM’s coral and sponge collection is largely built up by the Reef Ecology Study Team of the Department of Biological Sciences, headed by L. M. Chou.

The specimens, collected in the 1980s and 1990s under Prof. Chou’s extensive survey programme on coral reef and soft-bottom benthic communities in Singapore coastal waters, are deposited at the LKCNHM. Recently, additional specimens were contributed by the former Bioscience Centre (presently called The Protein and Proteomics Centre). There are presently some 3,200 specimens of about 200 species of coral and approximately 200 lots of sponges at the LKCNHM.


CHOU, L. M., 1988
A Guide to the Coral Reef Life of Singapore
Singapore Science Centre, 128 pp

KOH, E. G. L. & L. M. CHOU, 1989
The Mushroom Corals of Singapore. Department of Zoology
National University of Singapore. 45 pp

LIM, S. S. L., P. K. L. NG, L. W. H. TAN & Y. C. WEE, 1994
Rhythm of the Sea. Life and Times of Labrador Beach.
National Institute of Education & National University of Singapore, 160 pp

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