

Although the LKCNHM’s annelid collection is small, it contains some important specimens, including types, which have been examined and identified by various researchers.

C. C. A. Monro studied the polychaetes (bristleworms), G. E. Gates worked on the oligochaetes (earthworms), and J. P. Moore examined the Hirudinea (leeches). Most of these specimens were collected from the Malay Peninsula mainly by M. W. F. Tweedie between 1930 and 1940.

A recent collection of Singapore polychaetes was made from benthic surveys carried out by the NUS’s Reef Ecology Study Team for the ‘ASEAN-Australia Living Coastal Resources Project’. This material, which includes new species, is deposited at the LKCNHM.


GATES, C. E., 1935
Earthworms from the Malay Peninsula
Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, 10: 80-95

GATES, C. E., 1937
On some earthworms from Singapore and Malay Peninsula
Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, 13: 189-197

MONRO, C. C. A., 1931
On a collection of Polychaeta in the Raffles Museum, Singapore
Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, 5: 33-46

TAN, L. T. & L. M. CHOU, 1993
Checklist of polychaete species from Singapore waters (Annelida)
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 41(2): 279-295

TAN, L. T. & L. M. CHOU, 1994
A new species of polychaete worm,Tylonereis heterochaeta(Polychaeta: Annelida) from Singapore
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 42(3): 663-668

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