Raffles Bulletin of Zoology


July 1, 2022

Changes in management of the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology

Professor Peter K. L. Ng, after serving as Head of the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum since 2015, has now passed the helm to Assoc. Professor Darren C. J. Yeo. In conjunction with this, he has also relinquished his role as Editorial Advisor of the museum’s flagship research journal, the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, to Prof. Yeo. The editors of RBZ have seen fit to confer upon Prof. Ng the title of Editor Emeritus.

As the Editorial Advisor, Prof. Ng provided crucial advice and support for the Bulletin in its continuing efforts to increase in quality, reputation, and scientific rigour, as well as in efforts to modernise and expand its accessibility to the scientific community. We would like to take this opportunity to record our gratitude for all the help and guidance he has given to the Bulletin during his tenure as the Editorial Advisor, and look forward to his continued support in his new role as Editor Emeritus.

The incoming Editorial Advisor, Assoc. Prof. Darren C. J. Yeo, is no stranger to us here at the Bulletin, having served as Managing Editor from 2001–2004, and then as an Associate Editor until very recently. We would like to extend a warm ‘Welcome back!’ to him, and we look forward to taking the Bulletin to new heights together with him as the Editorial Advisor.

Finally, Mr Jonathan K. I. Ho has also joined the editorial team as the new Copy and Productions Editor.

January 28, 2022

Changes in management of the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology

After more than 20 years as Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Professor Peter Ng is handing the reins to Managing Editor Dr Jose C. E. Mendoza. With Dr Mendoza helming the Bulletin as the new EiC, Dr Hwang Wei Song is likewise appointed Deputy Editor-in-Chief. Prof. Ng will assume the role of Editorial Advisor. The positions of Managing Editor and Assistant Managing Editor are hereby retired.

As EiC, Prof. Ng oversaw the rise of the Bulletin into a highly reputable international journal with a focus on Southeast Asian zoology, and initiated and supported the many changes to modernise it and make it more accessible to the scientific community. We thank him for his energetic and visionary leadership.

Dr Mendoza held the position of Managing Editor from 2016 to 2022. His predecessors were the late Prof. Navjot Sodhi, Assoc. Prof. Darren C. J. Yeo, Dr Tan Swee Hee, and Dr Tan Heok Hui, all of whom were supported by a team of capable Associate Editors.

A few Associate Editors have stepped down and we wish to acknowledge them for their contributions to the Bulletin. They are PD Dr Sebastian Klaus, Assoc. Prof. Peter A. Todd, and Assoc. Prof. Darren Yeo. New Associate Editors have joined the team over the last few years, namely, Dr Ang Yuchen, Dr Chan Kin Onn, Dr Ng Ting Hui, Dr Wendy Wang, and Prof. Fred Wells. Lastly, the team is also joined by Ms Cai Peixuan, as Copy & Production Editor. The current editorial team maintains the Bulletin’s tradition of high standards for its articles.

We would also like to pay tribute to Professor Edward O Wilson, who was one of the prominent members of our Editorial Board. He came on board in the 1990s and was an enthusiastic supporter of the Journal. With his passing, we have lost a great biologist and dear friend.