Join LKCNHM on a journey onboard the OceanXplorer!

POSTED ON BY Sherlyn Sim

So much goes on in the oceans beneath our feet, but how many of us get the chance to see and capture the majesty of the seas? Often, films and documentaries on the ocean are the only way we get to see the beauty of the deep blue. OceanX, a nonprofit organisation with a mission to explore the ocean and bring it back to the world, has a special tool to help reveal the ocean’s secretsthe OceanXplorer. This ship is the world’s most advanced exploration, research and media vessel, uniquely designed to bring the ocean to us.  

From 20–⁠26 March 2024, OceanX Education invited LKCNHM staff and volunteers for an exclusive learning journey onboard the OceanXplorer! Follow us on the journey to explore this incredible vessel!  


The OceanXplorer vessel docked in Singapore.


The ship is equipped with sophisticated machinery and technology onboard, such as two 1,000-metre depth-rated manned submersibles, one 6,000-metre depth-rated remote operated vehicle (ROV), state-of-the-art research laboratories, and a comprehensive dive centre, just to name a few. With such facilities, scientists can collect data, study them and make marine discoveries right on the ship itself.  


An OceanXplorer crew member introduced us to one of their 6,000-metre depth-rated remotely operated vehicles.


Check out their deep-sea submersibles! These submersibles can go down to a 1,000-metre depth, to collect important biological, water and geological samples for research. One of these submersibles is a media submersible, equipped with high-tech cameras to document deep-sea dives and marine creatures in real time, and bring these stories back to share with the world. 


A group photo in front of one of their deep-sea submersibles. Photo credit: OceanX 


These vessels, along with their advanced research labs that have modern DNA-sequencing capabilities, allow them to obtain new knowledge and have a better understanding of the ocean wherever they go. 


Their dive centre is neatly organised with diving and media equipment.


The tour also took us to their dive centre, where the divers get geared up and head off into the ocean, and their mission control centre, with full acoustic mapping capabilities!  


We got to check out the mission control room, where the team controls the ship’s remote operated vehicle. 


What struck us was not just the advanced science and research capabilities of the vessel, but it’s incredible potential for media. OceanXplorer emphasises the importance of storytelling and sharing about the mysterious life that occurs within the ocean with the people on land. The ship is decked with colourful and aesthetic RGB lighting, making it suitable for filming at any moment. It also boasts cutting-edge filming equipment and capabilities, taking science communication to a new level. It was refreshing to see a research vessel that was built with media and storytelling in mind!  


An OceanXplorer crew member explaining the features of one of the research labs to LKCNHM staff and volunteers. Built with science communication in mind, the lights in this lab are adjustable and the colours can be changed to best suit their media needs.


Finally, we made our way up to the bridge deck where the captain navigates and manages operations on board the ship. We had the opportunity to see the controls and screens that guide this important exploration vessel to its research destinations. (Some of our staff and volunteers even had the chance to sit in the captain’s seat!) 


A group photo on the bridge deck of the ship. Photo credit: OceanX  


Thank you again, OceanX, for bringing us on this enriching tour onboard this world-class exploration, research and media vessel! The Museum strongly believes in the importance of expeditions in enhancing science and making new discoveries, and it was heartening to witness the commitment OceanX has to exploring, understanding, and conserving our oceans and marine life. As we bid the ship farewell and return to life on land, we carry with us an unforgettable experience onboard the OceanXplorer! 


A group photo in front of the vessel to conclude our insightful tour!