Job Opportunity: Temporary Laboratory Officer, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum

POSTED ON BY Sherlyn Sim

The Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum is looking to hire a Temporary Laboratory Officer to digitise and document Singapore type and historical specimens.  



The main responsibilities of the position include:
1. Digitisation and documentation of Singapore type and historical specimens in institutions in and outside of Singapore, including imaging, post-processing, and publication (on websites, journals, etc.).
2. Identifying and consolidating specimen and bibliographic databases.
3. Liaising with curators (within and outside of Singapore) to conduct digitisation work. Candidate must be able to travel outside of Singapore for up to 3 months if necessary to conduct digitisation work. 


Additional responsibilities may include but are not limited to:
1. Technical report/paper writing.
2. Assist in management of a small working group (which may include casual staff, volunteers and student helpers) to maintain the project social media and/or post-process specimen images. 



Qualifications / Discipline: Degree in Life Sciences (Ecology) / Environmental Sciences (or related fields) with a keen interest in natural history. 

Skills: Meticulous and responsible with specimens and data management; strong oral, communication, and interpersonal skills; Self-motivated and able to work independently. 

Experience: Prior technical expertise or familiarity with taxonomy, specimens handling, biodiversity data management and digitisation is preferred. 

Requirements: Must be able to travel overseas, including with relatively short notice when necessary. 


Application Procedure 

To apply, please click the link here. 


Application deadline: 12 October 2023.