Online database captures S’pore’s rich biodiversity

February 24, 2015
Tags : Dead wildlife, LKCNHM, LKCNHM News, Media, News, Singapore Biodiversity Records

Dr Ang Yuchen (left), a post-doctoral researcher helming the new site, with Professor Rudolf Meier. — PHOTO: DIOS VINCOY JR FOR THE STRAITS TIMES Online database captures S’pore’s rich biodiversity Audrey Tan A NEW online database has been launched compiling research on how Singapore’s flora and fauna interact with each other. Called Animals and Plants of


New record of a snake species in Singapore!

November 28, 2014
Tags : Singapore Biodiversity Records

A new record of a snake species in Singapore has been found from the Central Catchment Nature Reserve (CCNR)! Two blackwater mudsnakes (Phytolopsis punctata) were found at Nee Soon Swamp Forest in CCNR on 12 Sep 2014. Little is known about the biology of the snake as they are rarely recorded, possibly owing to their


Swallowtail moth (Lyssa zampa) in Singapore Biodiversity Records

June 06, 2014
Tags : Singapore Biodiversity Records

We seem to be experiencing the largest emergence the swallowtail moth (Lyssa zampa) since 2005. Interest in this phenomenon has appeared in social media, blogs [1,2] and the press[1,2], and even in Malaysia [1,2]. This bumper tranche of Singapore Biodiversity Records features two back-dated natural history documentation of Lyssa zampa in 2005 and 2008. In 2005, Dr. Leong Tze Ming observed caterpillars