A children’s colouring e-book!

June 22, 2021
Tags : Announcement, Education, LKCNHM, LKCNHM eBooks, Museum, Outreach and Education, publication, Singapore's Biodiversity

Our new colouring e-book, ‘Colours of Biodiversity in Singapore’ is out for children and adults with fun facts and activities!


e-Book: Saltwater Crocodiles in Singapore

June 17, 2021
Tags : LKCNHM, LKCNHM eBooks, Museum, People, publication, Research

Despite being commonly seen sunbathing and swimming in Singapore’s nature reserves, saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) have been officially classified as extinct in Singapore in the IUCN Red List since the 1996 […]


E-Book Launch: Voyagers, Explorers & Scientists

August 14, 2020
Tags : Announcement, Event, LKCNHM, LKCNHM eBooks, publication, Research

In January 1819, the ‘Indiana’ dropped anchor in Singapore, and Sir Stamford Raffles stepped ashore. Many Singaporeans have heard the story of Raffles’ founding, with William Farquhar, of a British settlement in Singapore. What is perhaps less known is that his expedition was also accompanied by two French naturalists, Pierre Médard Diard and Alfred Duvaucel.


E-Book Launch: 200 Points in Singapore’s Natural History

June 03, 2020
Tags : Announcement, Event, LKCNHM, LKCNHM eBooks, publication, Research

Exactly one year ago, LKCNHM launched the exhibition ‘200: a natural history’ to commemorate Singapore’s Bicentennial. The exhibition chronicles 200 natural history events from the last two centuries of modern Singapore, filling the walls of the temporary gallery with specimens, images and anecdotes of animals, plants, events, places and people that have played important roles


Singapore rocks!

May 12, 2017
Tags : LKCNHM eBooks

Yes, literally. This LKCNHM book, A Field Guide to the Geology of Singapore by Oliver and Gupta published earlier this year aims to introduce readers to the geology of Singapore by means of field visits to relevant sites of interest. It gives an overview of the plate tectonic evolution of Singapore, its geology, and a