An ‘Out of the Blue’ Tour of LKCNHM

POSTED ON BY Clarisse Tan

Ever wondered what goes on behind-the-scenes here at LKCNHM?

Last Saturday, for the first time ever, five lucky winners and their friends had an exclusive look into our museum collections as part of a 2-hour guided tour.

Their guide? Our very own Head of the Museum, Prof. Peter Ng!

The five lucky winners were chosen from our first ‘Out of the Blue’ giveaway contest held on Facebook a few weeks ago.

Their prize package consisted of a guided tour of the museum gallery – which included a tour of our special exhibition, Christmas Island RED – as well as the exclusive behind-the-scenes peek into our museum collections, which are usually not open to public access.

For those who missed out on our first giveaway, fret not. Stay tuned to our Facebook page for the latest updates – you’ll never know when another giveaway will spring up out of the blue. 😉