[Event] C.S.I. at LKCNHM: Demise of the Professor


In collaboration with the NUS Forensic Science and NUS Physics Department, we present you with another murder mystery!

Join us as crime scene investigators from 9 to 13 December 2020, for a fun and educational workshop suitable for both children and adults.

Not only will you learn how to pick up clues from the natural environment to solve crimes, you will also get a grasp on basic forensic science, physics and biodiversity concepts after the 1.5 hour workshop. There will be a walk-through of the crime scene, and you will be handed a docket filled with evidence, statements and more clues to work on!

Read on for more information on this complex case, and sign up here via SISTIC.

Case File #1220

We can’t seem to catch a break—yet another tragedy has struck the museum!

After the murder of our museum director last year, our esteemed Professor Fisher has just been found dead in the gallery under mysterious circumstances. Preliminary investigations suggest that he was murdered.

Our investigators have rounded up five suspects—surely one of them has both the motive and means to kill Prof Fisher? Or could any of them be in cahoots? Here are the recorded statements.

Manuka Miller: A research visitor currently working to publish a research paper on illegal wildlife trade with Prof Fisher. Manuka has been feeling stressed out working on the paper.

Dippy Terry: A museum outreach & education officer who conducts guided tours and workshops at the museum. Dippy has increasingly been feeling jaded at work.

Rove Reed: A research assistant working on entomology projects with Prof Fisher. Rove was reprimanded by the professor during a local field trip recently.

Nikki Chinaj: A former part-timer who worked for Prof Fisher. Nikki got fired by him recently.

Kev Krebs: A university student working on his final year assignment on rhino horn trade under the supervision of Prof Fisher. Kev received an ‘F’ grade from the professor for one of the major components in his project.

Even after bearing down hard on them in gruelling interrogations, not one of them cracked. But well of course they wouldn’t confess so easily!

The game is afoot!

Our investigators are baffled, and spirits are low in the museum. We need your help to turn this case around and bring the criminal to justice, through some good old-fashioned detective work!

Sign-ups are now open via SISTIC, so sign up early before all the tickets are snatched up. [Update: Tickets are fully sold out as of 19 November 2020.]

Details about the programme:

  • The workshop ticket price includes admission fees to the gallery.
  • Each workshop is limited to 15 pax per session, and will be facilitated in smaller groups of 5 pax each.
  • Safe distancing measures will be adhered to during the programme.

The events described and characters mentioned above are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.