Visiting Prof Murphy

POSTED ON BY Chua Keng Soon

A museum party trooped down to visit our beloved Prof D H Murphy with some old friends of Paddy’s from the 1980’s and 90’s. Both, Ian Turner and David Lane, are in Singapore for research and they lectured at what was then the Department of Botany and Department of Zoology, respectively.

The museum party who were happy to be on the expedition to the east were Iffah, Auntie Siew Ui, Keng Soon and Sivasothi. We all enjoyed spending some quiet time amidst bouts of Murphy’s trademark quirky humour.

Old students of Paddy Murphy will be glad to know he is a hale and hearty 88 years old. His wonderful genes have buffered against the years of puffing away in the mangroves which kept students travelling in his wake free of mozzies!

If you are thinking of visiting Prof Murphy, he loves aged English cheese (cheddar and the like), roti prata, ye olde triangular fried curry puff, durians and mangoes. He enjoys reading books and magazines about philosophy, science, Buddhism and travel. You can check about your visit with Econ Medicare Centre & Nursing Home, 452 Upper East Coast Rd, Singapore 466500.

Photo (from left): Ian Turner, Iffah, Siew Ui, Murphy, Keng Soon, Sivasothi and David Lane

(Credits: text by N Sivasothi, photograph provided by Chua Keng Soon)