

The LKCNHM’s small collection of about 1,000 echinoderm specimens includes some material from Christmas Islands collected by M. W. F. Tweedie, and some others from the ‘Sinbad Voyage’ expedition.

For the last two decades, specimens obtained mainly from Singapore waters have been contributed by the Reef Ecology Study Team and David Lane.


CHOU, L. M., 1983
A note on the star fish Acanthaster planci on Pulau Tioman reefs
Abstract: The Singapore Institute of Biology, 8 (4): 28-30

MASSIN, C. & D. J. W. LANE, 1991
Description of a new species of sea cucumber (Stichopodidae, Holothuroidea, Echinodermata) from the eastern Indo-Malayan Archipelago:Thelonata rubralineata
Micronesica, 24 (1): 57-64.

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