LKCNHM’s First Quiet Hour—A successful start


On 28 Jan 2023 (Sat), LKCNHM successfully hosted our very first Quiet Hour—also our pioneer inclusive event. Opening to the public an hour later than usual, we reserved our first hour of this Saturday specially for a group of art-loving adults with intellectual disabilities from YSTARS, who our Museum staff, Wendy Zhang, volunteers with regularly. By setting aside this time to create a unique visiting experience for them, we were able to provide a calmer, more conducive environment to welcome this special group of visitors.

Having made their way down with their families, they were treated to a gallery tour to introduce them to the Museum’s vast collections, before partaking in an art activity with reference to specimens housed here. With the students participating actively in Q&A during the tour, as well as getting to express their creativity and learning in response to real specimens during the art session, and it was indeed an enjoyable and memorable time for all.

Speaking to a parent  of one of the YSTARS on why Quiet Hour is important for individuals with special needs, she expressed how excessive noise and movement can sometimes distract or even cause distress to these individuals. “When it’s too crowded, they get very unsettled—so when they have their own quiet time with people that they’re familiar with, like their friends, they are more relaxed.” The benefits of Quiet Hour extend even to the caregivers, as she shared how their being “with their own group of friends [of fellow parents of individuals with special needs], they are less intimidated by strangers”. With this, she described the Quiet Hour experience at the Museum as a wonderful one because of how not just the guests, but also their families enjoyed themselves. She also mentioned her surprise when the YSTARS students raised numerous questions with excitement and zeal during their gallery tour.

When asked what they enjoyed most about the visit, YSTARS themselves answered citing the sheer vastness of the collections as a highlight. Getting to see and gain new insight about specimens of species—some familiar and some new to them—their day at the Museum proved to be fruitful and fun-filled for everyone.

Going forward, we hope to continue building upon these first steps towards inclusivity and seek to take further strides in the Museum’s mission to serve and provide for all patrons.

LKCNHM is pleased to share that our first Quiet Hour was a success, and that we are excited to support similar efforts in the future.


Join us for Quiet Hour!  

If your organisation is interested in organising a Quiet Hour at our Museum, feel free to contact us at for enquiries.