Were you at the Festival of Biodiversity? Relive it with us!

POSTED ON BY jangancemas

The Festival of Biodiversity came and went on 12 and 13 July, and what a fun-filled, action packed two days they were, along with some very exciting news – that Singapore will finally have its first Marine Park!

This being the third Festival and the second one to be held at Vivocity, we learnt from experience to expect a large crowd of Festival goers (and ‘stumblers’, as many people who visited the Festival chanced upon us while out doing their weekend shopping and mall crawl). We saw 11 thousand people visit us throughout the weekend in 2013, and this year, with a larger exhibition area and more activities afoot, we looked forward to an even busier FoB!

What made this year’s Festival special for us is the fact that it is the first major public outreach event Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum has participated in since we officially came into being (from our previous incarnation, the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research). It was wonderful to see so many people, young and old, locals and overseas visitors, from all walks of life being fascinated by the many specimens we had on display for show and tell, and looking forward to 2015 when we officially open and welcome them in our new building. And of course, our tremendous effort this year would not have been possible without our army of cheerful volunteers who committed themselves to pre-festival training and preparations, who tirelessly and enthusiastically regaled facts and anecdotes about Singapore’s to all who stopped by our booths and specimen corners.

Here are some pictures from last weekend. If you missed this year’s FoB, not to worry. We look forward to seeing you again next year!

We have a whole bunch of pictures from Festival of Biodiversity – visit our Flickr page to view them! Day 1 and Day 2.