With effect from Tuesday, 1 June 2010, the text in Nature in Singapore articles and Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Book pdf files available online will be unlocked to allow convenient cutting and pasting. This departure from the current policy is in the spirit of increasing the dissemination of scientific information for the convenience of the reader.
This announcement serves as a public record stating that apart from the removal of password security from the pdf files, no other content has been modified for the Nature in Singapore article and Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Book pdf files published prior to 1 June 2010. Readers should also note that the modification date for all Nature in Singapore and Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Books pdf files will change to 1 June 2010.
In line with this, the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology article pdf files will be unlocked from Tuesday, 31 August 2010 when the next issue is published.
Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan
Please note that with effect from Wednesday, 4 Jan 2012, the ‘Instructions to Authors’ for both Nature in Singapore (link) and Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Books are updated. For the convenience of authors, templates are made available for download for both publications. For more detailed information on the house style, please see the ‘Style Guide for Nature in Singapore and Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Books (For Editors)’ that is also made available for reference.
Key changes for new submissions to Nature in Singapore after 4 Jan. 2012: An abstract is made compulsory (in response to reader feedback), and there is no longer a need for issue numbers to be included in journal citations (for the convenience of authors).
Assoc. Prof. Hugh Tan
Nature in Singapore and Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Books
The Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum would like to thank Associate Professor Hugh Tan Tiang Wah for his long tenure as founding Editor of Nature in Singapore and the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Ebook series since 2008. As Editor, Hugh oversaw the publication of 370 NiS articles on flora and fauna of Singapore and more than 30 ebooks on various biodiversity-related topics. He has made the publications important and contributed greatly to the biodiversity landscape for Singapore. But he has been doing this a long time and will be stepping down with effect from 10 August 2020 to focus on other things close to his heart. His editorial responsibilities in the museum will be taken up by Dr Ng Ting Hui, Museum Officer (Lecturer) and Curator of Freshwater Molluscs and Worms.
Prof. Peter K.L. Ng
Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum
Please note that with effect from Monday 1 March 2021, the ‘Instructions to Authors’ for the Biodiversity Records section ‘3.3. Submission of Revised Record for Acceptance and Publication’ of Nature in Singapore are updated here.
The copyright of images featured in the ‘Biodiversity Records’ section will continue to remain with the respective photographers. The photographs may be used non-commercially on the website or social media platforms of the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum for research and education purposes only, with proper attribution to photographers. Images will not be used elsewhere without first obtaining permission from the photographer.
Dr Ng Ting Hui
Nature in Singapore
New format for Nature in Singapore
Please note that with effect from Monday, 4 January 2021, Singapore Biodiversity Records will become a section within Nature in Singapore. Nature in Singapore will now publish two types of articles: ‘Research Articles’ and ‘Biodiversity Records’. The ‘Instructions to Authors’ are updated here. For the convenience of authors, updated templates are made available for download for both article types.
The archive for Singapore Biodiversity Records will remain available here.
Dr Ng Ting Hui
Nature in Singapore
Throughout his career, Associate Professor Hugh Tan has carried the flag for Singapore botany and has taught, mentored and inspired many students, including many who have continued on to careers that involve working with plants. He was also formerly the Deputy Director of the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum (LKCNHM) and the founding editor of the Nature in Singapore journal and the LKCNHM EBook series. Prof. Tan is retiring on 30 June 2021 and has been conferred an Honorary Fellowship with the Department of Biological Sciences at the National University of Singapore.
In honour of his contributions to science and academic mentorship, we would like to invite former students, colleagues and collaborators to contribute articles that will be peer-reviewed and published in a special volume in Nature in Singapore. These could be in the form of commentaries, notes, primary research articles or synthesis articles such as reviews. Suggested topics include: botany, natural history and conservation in Singapore, floristics of Singapore and the region, tropical horticulture and landscaping, urban greening, urban agriculture and higher education, especially in biology.
If you would like to contribute an article, please send an email with the topic or tentative title to nhmnth@nus.edu.sg by 30 June 2021. The full manuscript should be submitted by 31 Dec 2021 and formatted according to the Research Article or Biodiversity Record templates for Nature in Singapore. While extensions of both deadlines are negotiable, we aim to complete the peer-review and publication process of all articles by 30 June 2022, on the first anniversary of Prof. Tan’s retirement.
Louise Neo, Associate Editor
Chong Kwek Yan, Guest Editor
Ng Ting Hui, Editor
Nature in Singapore