Prof Peter Ng at the UN Ocean Decade High-Level Launch


This year marks the beginning of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development!

From 2021 to 2030, the United Nations General Assembly envisioned a period of exceptional intergovernmental coordination and scientific alliance to bring people and the ocean together and provide “The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want”. The implementation plan centres on stimulating and harnessing interdisciplinary research needed for transformational action to achieve a sustainable future that is represented by seven Decade Outcomes: A Clean Ocean, A Healthy and Resilient Ocean, A Productive Ocean, A Predicted Ocean, A Safe Ocean, An Accessible Ocean as well as An Inspiring and Engaging Ocean.

Launching towards the Ocean We Want

On 1 June 2021, a virtual event was hosted in Berlin to officially celebrate the launch of the Ocean Decade as well as kick-start the First International Ocean Decade Conference that will run from June 2021 to July 2022. Numerous key figures of state, policymakers and scientists from around the world attended the launch to raise awareness and catalyse action on the Decade Outcomes on the path to “Creating the Ocean We Want”.

Our museum head, Professor Peter Ng Kee Lin, was also a moderator at the event. Together with Mr Ranga Yogeshwar (renowned science journalist), and Professor Antje Boetius (Director of the Aldred-Wegener-Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research), Prof Ng weighed in on the importance and challenges of merging indigenous knowledge with new scientific findings. It was emphasised that to attain the Decade Outcomes, it would be vital to work closely with peoples who have long-standing connections with the oceans—through century-old traditions and/or marine-dependent livelihoods—and ensure that their cultures are respected.

Prof Ng also highlighted that beyond laws and regulations to protect the oceans at the local and global scales, it is also crucial to cultivate the next generation of leaders to lead the charge in the future. “As long as there is hope, there is every chance we can turn things around, but the present generation [ … ] have to believe in it, and then the process can begin.” You are welcome to watch the High-Level Launch of the Ocean Decade. Prof Ng’s appearance runs from 1:56:43 to 2:35:28. For the event programme, please visit here.